Thursday, December 10, 2015

Online shopping safety

Many people are worried about the safety of online shopping.From my experience I would like to share that online shopping is completely safe, if you don't make any mistake yourselves. Shopping sites provide you a variety of payment options, the major and easiest one is the Debit/Credit card payment or Internet banking payment. 
For debit/Credit card payment one should provide the 16 digit card number followed by the expiry date of the card and also the CVV of the card. By providing display details on clicking on the submit button the site will take us to a secure page and from the secure page it will automatically redirect to the corresponding bank website.  Major banks card transactions are now authenticated by either a pre-set verified visa password or OTP ( One-time password) to the registered mobile number. OTP, one time password is a  6 digit numerical code that the customer receives on his registered mobile number and customer can enter this one time password to the bank website screen and then click submit to complete the transaction and we should take care that we should not click on back or refresh once we are doing the transaction and wait until the system automatically redirect to the shopping sites which provide information regarding to the successful completion of the payment simplest way to make a debit card payment

For safer experience ,make sure that we  click only trusted online shopping sites and we should only save our card details with the trusted online shopping sites and we should not provide our secure password or one time password to anybody. Safety in in our hand, so use it properly to be safer.

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